Posts Tagged ‘LIGO India’

Physicists gone off the deep end

February 22, 2020

robbert dijkgraaf princeton, david reitze ligo, patrick brady ligo, james ulvestad nsf, CYNTHIA K. LARIVE ucsc, marcia mcnutt nas, steven chu aaasligo scientific collaborationenrico ramirez-ruiz ucsc, salvatore vitale mit, Mohammad Safarzadeh usc, philip bucksbaum stanford, philip bucksbaum aps, megan donahue aas,


February 12, 2020

ministerin anja karliczek, european physical society, Petra Rudolf eps, german physical society, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Dieter Meschede dpg, wolfgang engelhardt, karsten danzmann
wolfgang engelhardt
patrick brady ligo, ligo calibration, EU Science Hub, GEO600, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Alessandra Buonanno, philip bicksbaum aps

Truth about LIGO the media doesn’t tell you

November 28, 2019

You can get the real skinny on LIGO only here.
nobel prize physics 2017nobel prize physics 2017, dan larhammar uppsala university, lars heikensten nobel foundation, k vijayraghavan psa, k n vyas dae, france cordova nsf, allison lerner nsf, takaaki kajita nobel prize, ligo scientific collaboration

On the beach 2019

November 22, 2019

Your civilization has died. Only, you don’t know this. Unbeknownst to you, the Swedes have destroyed the civilization – yours and mine, the little boy’s and the little girl’s, the newlyweds’ and the newborns’, Tuktoyaktuk seal-hunter’s and Timbuktu veiled woman’s, … the Swedes have destroyed it all.

nobel prize physics

Big Bang dissidents: League of extraordinary gentlemen

October 17, 2019

Folks, if you are put off by my uncouth aggressiveness, there is some history you need to take into account. For decades, fine scientists have been trying to stop Big Bang with polite gentlemanly discourse. Not only did they not gain any ground, but with each fraud the Big Bang-ers got away with, Big Bang’s strength increased, its tribe increased. Today they are as invincible as Stadtsicherheitdienst. No amount of scientific argument and no strength of scientific argument have any effect on them. Why? Because they have political power, media power and government power.

One by one, the dissidents have died – with the despairing knowledge that the evil could not be subdued. Those who are still living have gone silent, perhaps out of a sense of futility.

The league of extraordinary gentleman did not stand a chance. Nor do the good citizens of the world, watching their money earned with the sweat of their brow going to finance this orgiastic bacchanalia.

nobel prize physics 2019, james peebles nobel prize, scientific misconduct, science fraud, k vijayraghavan, ostp white housenobelstiftelsennobel prize, nobel foundation, nobelstiftelsen, royal swedish academy of sciences, kungliga vetenskapsakademien, lars heikensten nobel foundation, nobel media, nobel museum, nobel lessons


Der intellektuelle anschluss geht weiter

October 12, 2019

nobel prize physics 2017, nobel prize physics 2019, lars heikensten nobel foundation, christina moberg kth, royal swedish academy of sciences
edward_wittenedward witten, edward witten princeton, christopher l eisgruber princeton, ias princeton

New Casebook: The LIGO Jokebook it is here!

August 18, 2019

This eBook is a collection of ligonaut jokes: Visit the Casebook Download Central (see right panel) to read/download.

LIGO BS just keeps coming at us….

July 23, 2019

Here is the reference in the following diagram. The diagram can be expanded twice by clicking twice.

Clifford Will



The LIGO neighborhood

July 8, 2019


ADDENDUM 07/10/2019

Folks, consider the following detection. Given the above diagram, given the copious record of space weather data being acquired around the world, given the Gutierrez demonstration that LIGO detections are linked to space weather, given how space weather gets into LIGO output in a complex and uncharacterizable manner, how can any scientific study conclude that space weather effect is emphatically negligible and black hole merger is emphatically indicated? This is telling evidence understandable by non-experts that these people are screwing around with tens of millions of dollars of your money, and rolling out sham discoveries on a weekly basis, under the aegis of NSF.


LIGO Scientific Collaboration falling apart?

July 7, 2019

There is a report out saying there is “a lot of friction” within NSF-LIGO. People are fighting and leaving over credit for some wild future discovery, with a facility that has no function other than a NSF Stainless Steel Salvage Yard. In the following, Professor Weiss is LIGO Nobelist Rainer Weiss. Excerpt:

But one subgroup within Ligo which had spent eight years attempting to detect what is called a “continuous wave” from a pulsar was unhappy, because they wanted to be listed as special authors if and when such a signal was detected and reported, he explained.

“That’s caused a lot of friction. And has even caused people in the collaboration to leave the collaboration, because we can’t guarantee that we will change the rules [to allow special recognition],” Professor Weiss told the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, an annual conference bringing together laureates and young scientists.

“We never even had these issues until we finally made a discovery. Then everybody began to think: oh my god, how do I get recognised?,” he added.

Speaking to Times Higher Education, Professor Weiss declined to go into further details about who had left.